Teamcenter Integration for Solid Edge

Capture, manage and share your Solid Edge data to improve the efficiency and integrity of your product development process

The Teamcenter® Integration for Solid Edge enables you to improve the quality of your product development process by enhancing your Solid Edge CAD data management and to create a single design data management environment for mechanical, electronic, software and simulation tools and data. The integration provides access to a full range of product lifecycle management (PLM) capabilities to further optimize your design-through-manufacturing processes.

Designers benefit from transparent completion of many tedious data management tasks, faster searching for the data they need and improved revision and configuration control throughout the product lifecycle. The end result is an improved product development process with less errors and rework. And, lower product costs through an improved flow of information to manufacturing and increased reuse of existing proven components in new designs.

The Teamcenter Integration for Solid Edge is released synchronously with Solid Edge to ensures a smooth upgrade process and eliminate waiting for your external software supplier to support the latest release of Solid Edge.

Solid Edge Data Management

Solid Edge Data Management provides scalable CAD data management solutions that meet the needs of all manufacturers, from startups and very small firms to larger manufacturers with distributed operations.

Manufacturing organizations can struggle to work effectively with the fast growing volumes of data that they create when designing and manufacturing their products. Industry research from Tech-Clarity (Best Practice for Managing Design Data) shows that manufacturers who implement effective solutions for data management are:

  • 2.7 times as likely to be “very effective” at finding the data they need
  • Over 3 times as likely to be “very effective” at managing their design projects
  • 2.7 times as likely to be “very effective” at sharing data with others
  • Over 2.5 times as likely to be “very effective” at providing the correct data to manufacturing

Siemens PLM Software provides a scalable set of data management solutions that meet the varying needs of small to large manufacturing organizations who may design simple or very complex products. These Solid Edge CAD data management solutions enable you to rapidly take the key actions identified by Tech-Clarity (Getting Started with Product Data Management) that lead to improved product development performance:

  • Secure and control your product data and processes
  • Enable rapid retrieval of the correct information to improve efficiency and facilitate reuse
  • Share product information and collaborate with downstream functions such as manufacturing to improve quality and reduce costly errors
  • Follow industry best practice workflows for engineering change and release to manufacturing